What the hell are habits?

What the hell are habits?


Another day, another buzz word blog. Habit, thanks to the likes of James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits) has become the buzz word of the pandemic, and like many… I thought I knew what they were (biting your nails, checking your phone every 15 seconds etc). But boy, was I wrong.


Let’s break down the word (in the most unofficial way possible). The word habits comes from the word habitual – habitual means to do something on autopilot – autopilot means to do something without thinking – without thinking implies we have no control over our habits. AND THIS IS WHERE WE ARE ALL WRONG.


Your habits are, in fact, 100% under your control. They’re the engrained decisions we make without really making them. But once, once upon a time, you decided to bite your nails for the first time.


So, if you want to make a new habit, you have to consciously make that first time happen.


I was a chronic...

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5 Easy Ways to Overcome Work From Home Distractions

There are an infinite number of potential distractions when working from home, and sometimes, they get the better of us.

After all, we're only human. Right?

The issue comes when they get the better of us all of the time. Below we've listed our 5 quick and easy-to-implement tricks for avoiding those distractions (and don't worry, they won't cost you a penny, dime or cent!).

1. Develop a morning routine. This might sound simple, but a routine allows you to go on auto pilot (and on auto pilot, you're less likely to get distracted).

A good morning routine doesn't have to be special, here's mine:

  • Get up & shower to my 'Morning Hits' playlist
  • Brush my teeth whilst thinking about my brekkie
  • Head down, make & eat my breakfast whilst listening to a podcast (sometimes this is work related, sometimes it's motivational, other days it's just a cool story - I love 'How I Built This')
  • Drink my coffee & read an article related to my industry
  • Head to my office and start...
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