What the hell are habits?

What the hell are habits?


Another day, another buzz word blog. Habit, thanks to the likes of James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits) has become the buzz word of the pandemic, and like many… I thought I knew what they were (biting your nails, checking your phone every 15 seconds etc). But boy, was I wrong.


Let’s break down the word (in the most unofficial way possible). The word habits comes from the word habitual – habitual means to do something on autopilot – autopilot means to do something without thinking – without thinking implies we have no control over our habits. AND THIS IS WHERE WE ARE ALL WRONG.


Your habits are, in fact, 100% under your control. They’re the engrained decisions we make without really making them. But once, once upon a time, you decided to bite your nails for the first time.


So, if you want to make a new habit, you have to consciously make that first time happen.


I was a chronic...

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How To Get Your Mojo Back

As a business owner, or an aspiring entrepreneur it can be tough to keep constantly motivated. One day you’re writing blog posts (hello!) and others you’re struggling to find the motivation to clear your inbox and design that story on Canva.


I hear you.


The longer you own your business, the harder this is to maintain. Just like a relationship with your partner, you’ll have a honeymoon period with your business too.

You’ll wake up with an extra spring in your step and the motivation to jump on your laptop. But, like any relationship, the ‘honeymoon’ flurry of excitement wears off, and the more deliberate work starts. You need to make an effort, and sometimes it’s hard to continue that.

But what if we could learn to extend that honeymoon period? If we could learn how to wake up each and every day with the same spring in your step as day one?


The answer? HABITS.


Habits have had a bit of a negative connotation in the...

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